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T-MAC > Andi & Constance Cooperative Captives
Constance comes home and her roommate Andi is blissfully watching tv. Constance questions Andi on why the door isn't locked, hasn't she been watching the news! It seems there is an escaped convict loose in Andi & Constance's neighborhood and they need to be careful! Well it is too late as the convict has found his way through Andi and Constance's unlocked door. He just needs a place to lay low and one of there cars, he insist he wont hurt them but needs to restrain them. He asks but Andi and Constance if they have anything he can use to tie them up, luckily Andi is very helpful and says they have a bunch of duct tape. Andi is then made to tape Constance's ankles and knees and then Constance does the same to Andi. Know that they cant run they have their wrist and arms taped tight. Next Andi and Constance have their mouths taped shut and finally left alone to struggle. Constance is furious at her ditzy roommate Andi as they struggle to get free. Andi doesn't seem concerned and this only makes Constance more infuriated. If and when they ever get free Andi and Constance may not be roommates any longer!