魔术师阿尔巴·泽冯正在练习魔术表演。从她的魔术礼帽中拿出一条围巾,然后是绳子,之后发生了一件意想不到的事情。绳子把她紧紧地绑住,围巾堵住了她的嘴。她的魔术表演变成了逃脱表演。她能摆脱绳子和嘴巴的束缚吗?Magician Alba Zevon is practicing her magic act. After producing a scarf, then rope, from her magic top hat, an unexpected thing happens. The rope binds her tightly, and the scarf gags her. Her magic act has become an escape act. Can she free herself from the rope and gag?