斯嘉丽被用麻绳紧紧绑住,还塞了一个很紧的口球。斯嘉丽穿着丝绸内衣和棕褐色连裤袜。她试图逃跑,但根本无法挣脱,当绑架者用肮脏的手在她扭动的身体上摩擦时,她的口水从口球里流了出来。Scarlett has been very tightly hog tied with hemp rope and a very tight ball gag has been added. Scarlett is in silk lingerie and tan pantyhose. She tries to escape but there is no possible way she is freeing herself and she drools through her gag as her captor rubs his filthy hands all over her squirming body.