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Residue > Mia and Scarlett - 31-10-22 Nightmare at Mia Mansion
米娅看着外面,黄昏越来越暗,今年的秋天很奇怪,到处都是高气温,当地电视台整天都在谈论这件事,好像世界末日即将来临。米娅看着即将到来的夜晚,浑身发抖,但很欢迎这种感觉,最终世界至少会再过一个季节。她仍然被困在家里照顾两个小表弟的恶魔,他们在楼下玩电子游戏。她打电话给朋友斯嘉丽,请她帮忙“熬过今晚”,这时楼下传来一些僵尸的咆哮声,提醒她这不是一件容易的事。斯嘉丽很快就到了,她穿着深色衣服,很漂亮,当她靠近穿着甜美粉色迷你裙的米娅时,你只能想象她那纤细的阴和阳交织在一起。斯嘉丽一边脱鞋一边放松,向米娅展示了让这个夜晚变得特别的各种奇特的东西。他们要去尝试召唤。斯嘉丽告诉米娅,她永远被臭名昭著的恶棍所吸引,如果她们在万圣节之夜一起选一个和他交谈,她会很高兴。他们之间谁会是邪恶的黑暗女士?随着仪式的进行,米娅感觉到有些不对劲,但她就是无法阻止斯嘉丽,即将发生的事情是不可避免的。米娅醒来,当她睁开眼睛时,她感觉自己变了,她穿着一件闪亮的湿黑色连衣裙,但是……但是……什么?!斯嘉丽在哪里?!她试图打电话给她的朋友,但说不出话来!她的嘴唇被电工胶带封住了,手指上到底是什么!更多的电工胶带,她的手腕和脚踝被绑住了!但是谁绑的?斯嘉丽一直在读那些邪恶角色的故事,是不是疯了?这看起来不像是在开玩笑,米娅真的很害怕,她爬在地上寻找可以解救自己的东西。打开又关上的衣柜,她找不到任何有用的东西,在厨房里?这不可能,一定是有人干的。在最后一个壁橱里,她终于找到了一件可以用的东西……一个磨碎机!米娅疯狂地用手摩擦它,但疼痛难忍,她要用 PVC 胶带将手上的皮肤全部割开。这可能就是她唯一的选择吗?!她看着自己的脚踝,也许她可以把那里的绳子解开,最重要的是,那根绳子为什么在那里?米娅,她还没有意识到这一点,但如果有人如此熟练而凶猛地束缚住她的手腕,为什么只用一根让人想起 50 年代老电影的绳子?也许我们的反派想让米娅解开她的脚踝?脱下高跟鞋,用力挣扎了几下,脚都出汗了,米娅终于解开了腿,她站起来,走向毁灭。在斯嘉丽的脑海里只有米娅,而她对米娅怀有恶意!!斯嘉丽发出呼噜声,抬起她现在已解放的双腿,一双红色的毛发闪烁着,两只角从她前面冒了出来。楼下的米娅被紧紧地绑着,当她看到一个高个子的女人的影子从黑暗中向她走来时,她疯狂地尖叫着。这不再是斯嘉丽了,这是米娅唯一能想到的,因为她最好的朋友的影子在她被捆绑的身体上到处都是。她会一直这样对我吗?楼上的米娅和斯嘉丽醒来时被绑着嘴巴,赤脚,甚至她们的大脚趾也被绑在一起。斯嘉丽告诉米娅,她们需要写下名字来取消召唤,但她们的脚被绑着,这会非常困难。米娅害怕得发疯般挣扎,因为她听不懂斯嘉丽试图告诉她的话,那是什么样的语言Mia is looking outside as the dusk is getting darker and darker, autumn has been weird this year with temperatures remaining sky high everywhere, local tv talking all day about it like if the world is coming to an end. As she shivers cold looking at the incoming night Mia welcome this feeling, in the end the world is going to be the same at least for one more season. Still she is stuck at home babysitting that two demons of her little cousins playing videogames downstairs. She is calling her friend Scarlett asking her some support to "survive the night" when some zombie growls coming from below reminded her that this will not be an easy task. It doesn't take long to Scarlett to arrive, she is magnificent in her dark attire and when and when she gets close to Mia in her sweet pink mini dress you can only think that thin yin meats her yang. Getting confortable while removing her shoes, Scarlett shows Mia all kind of peculiar stuff needed to make this night a special one. They are going for an evocation attempt. Scarlett tells Mia she is fascinated by infamous villains forever and she would love if they choose one together to talk to him in the halloween night. Who between them will be the villain dark lady? As the ritual goes on Mia feels something wrong is incoming but she just cannot stop Scarlett what is going to happen is unavoidable. Mia wakes up, as she is opening her eyes she feels different, she is wearing a shiny wetlook black dress but... but... what?! Where is Scarlett?! she tries to calls her friend but cannot talk! her lips has been sealed with electrical tape and what the hell is on her fingers! more electrical tape, she has been bound at the wrists and at the ankles! but by whom? Has Scarlett gone insane reading all the time about that maleficent characters? This desn't look like a joke, Mia is sincerely scared as she crawl on the floor looking for something to free herself. Opening closet by closed she cannot find anything useful, in a kitchen? this is impossible, someone must have done that. In the last closet she finally finds something she could use... a grater! Mia frantically rubs her hands over it but is just absurdly painful, she is going to cut all her skin from her hands together with the pvc tape. Is it possible this is her only option?! She looks at her ankles, maybe she could just remove the rope around there and above all why that rope is there? Mia she doesn't realize it yet but if someone has so expertly and viciously restrained her at her wrists why using just a ropes that remings a '50 old movie ? Maybe our villain wants Mia to be able to free her ankles? After removing her high heels shoes and som hard struggling with her feet that caused her to sweat Mia finally has her legs free, she gets up and moves to her doom. In Scarlett mind there is only Mia and she wants her in a bad way!! Scarlett purrs as she raises on her now freed legs, a pair of red hairs blinking while two horns are popping up on her front. Downstairs Mia is hogtied supertight and screaming wildly when she see a tall female shadows coming for her from the dark. This is not Scarlett anymore is tre only thing Mia could think as the shadow of the girl who was her best friends is all over her hogtied body in every possible way. Is she going to do this to me till the end? Upstairs Mia and Scarlett are waking up bound gagged and barefoot, even their big toes has been tied together. Scarlett is telling Mia they need to write name down to cancel the evocation but is going to be extremely hard with their feet tied as they are right now. Mia struggles like mad in fear as she cannot understand a single word of what Scarlett is trying to tell her, what kind of language is that? it seems old, extremely old