奥菲莉亚的意外出现让她灰心丧气。女孩把一根绳子扔到布兰布尔身上,开始把她紧紧绑住。布兰布尔的腿和胳膊不再属于她,它们在她身后缠绕着,疼痛难忍。她拼命想挣脱,想移动整个身体。她感到疯狂的恐惧,拼命尖叫,想叫出一个人,但回应她的只有沉默。奥菲莉亚毫不客气地把一个塞子塞进她的嘴里,我们再也听不到女孩绝望的尖叫声,只有微弱的呻吟和恳求的暗示。为了求得救赎,她在沙发上坐立不安,试图挣脱束缚,但一切都是徒劳。过了一会儿,奥菲莉亚拿着新的绳子回来了,把布兰布尔的腿和胳膊绑得更紧,像猪一样。劫匪把无助的女孩举起来,只用绳子抓住她,这让本来就很痛苦的情况更加严重。当我们近距离看到受害者的脸时,我们看到了各种情绪——恐惧、仇恨和绝望。一股细细的唾液顺着细细的脖子流下来,慢慢地流满了沙发。 Ophelia's unexpected appearance discouraged her. The girl threw a rope over Bramble and began to tie her tightly. Bramble's legs and arms no longer belonged to her, they ached insanely wound up behind her back. She desperately tried to pull away, trying to move her whole body. Experiencing insane fear, she screamed with all her might, trying to call at least someone, but only silence answered her. Ophelia unceremoniously put a gag in her mouth and we no longer hear the girl's desperate screams, but only weak moans and hints of pleading. In the struggle for her salvation, she fidgets all over the sofa trying to throw off her bonds, but all in vain. After a while, Ophelia returns with new ropes, tying Bramble's legs and arms even closer to each other in a hogtay pose. The already painful situation is aggravated by the fact that the robber lifted the helpless girl up, holding her only by the ropes. When we see the face of our victim in close-up, we see the whole palette of emotions - fear, hatred and approaching despair. A thin trickle of saliva runs down the thin neck and slowly fills the sofa.