Bait (MP4) - Jasmine St James

Residue 浏览
一名男子几个月来一直在派对场所抢劫女性,并成功逃避法律制裁。联邦调查局被叫来帮忙,特工 Jasmine St James 被指派充当诱饵,独自坐在湖边派对的座位上,希望引诱他出来。她应该有后援一直监视着她,准备在罪犯出现时采取行动,但事情出了问题。Jasmine 被抓住并迅速带走,她的同事们什么也没看到。Jasmine 发现自己是一辆车的乘客,双手被绑在身前,嘴里塞着东西。当他们到达他的巢穴时,绑匪打开车门,命令她出去。进去后,他将 Jasmine 囚禁起来,绑在地下室的一根柱子上,然后围着她转圈折磨她。后来,他让她脱掉衣服,躺在床上,这样他就可以把她绑成四肢张开的姿势,为晚上晚些时候的取乐做好准备。意识到没人会来救她,贾斯敏努力松开绑在床上的绳子,最终成功了。现在她只需要找到一条不被发现的出路,然后在联邦调查局的强力支持下回来。A man has been grabbing women from party venues for several months now and has managed to evade the law. The FBI is called in to help, and Agent Jasmine St James is assigned the role of being bait, sitting alone on a seat at a lakeside party, hoping to lure him out. She is supposed to have backup constantly watching her, ready to move in if the perpetrator puts in an appearance, but something went wrong. Jasmine is grabbed and whisked away, and none of her colleagues see a thing. Jasmine finds herself a passenger in a car, her hands bound in front of her, a gag in her mouth. Her captor opens the door when they arrive at his lair and orders her to get out. Once inside, he keeps Jasmine prisoner, tied to a pole in his basement where he circles her and torments his captive. Later, he makes her remove her dress and lie down on his bed so that he can tie her in a spreadeagled position, ready for the fun later in the evening. Aware that no one is coming to save her, Jasmine works hard to loosen one of the ropes binding her to the bed and eventually succeeds. Now it’s just a case of finding a way out without being seen, then returning with the might of the FBI behind her.
