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Residue > Diamonds Forever -Natty the thief is caught and held in bondage by security wearing white heels
娜蒂大摇大摆地走进奢华的派对,她身着一条曲线优美的白色连衣裙,让人不禁浮想联翩。她悄悄溜出人群,走进主人的卧室,高跟鞋发出的咔哒声回荡在豪华的舞厅里。她环顾四周,寻找传说中藏在里面的神秘钻石。经过仔细的搜寻,她终于在门被撞开时拿到了珍贵的珠宝。保安当场抓住了娜蒂,并迅速将她逮捕。但他没有立即把她带走,而是决定把她关到派对结束,以免引起骚乱。娜蒂将被束缚住,嘴被堵住,直到庆祝活动结束,她脑子里充满了逃跑的念头,焦急地等待着不被人注意地溜走的机会。Natty struts into the lavish party, her body adorned in a curve-hugging white dress that leaves very little to the imagination. The staccato clicking of her matching heels echoes through the opulent ballroom as she sneaks away from the crowd and into the host's bedroom. Her eyes dart around the room, searching for the elusive diamonds rumored to be hidden somewhere inside. After careful snooping, she finally lays her hands on the precious jewels just as the door bursts open. Security catches Natty red-handed and promptly arrests her. But instead of taking her away immediately, he decides to keep her until the party ends to avoid causing a scene. Natty is to remain restrained and gagged until the festivities come to a close, her mind racing with thoughts of escape while she anxiously waits for her chance to slip away unnoticed.